Thursday, 25 June 2015

Purchasing Module Issues & Solutions in Oracle Apps

Issue:  While try to approve the Purchase Order(PO). Error: Line # 1 Shipment # 1 Distribution # 1 Distribution is missing foreign Currency rate.

Solution: Query the Purchase Order--> Click on shipments button--> Click on distribution Button --> Click on More Tab

Now update Rate date and Rate and save it and try to approve it. 

Issue: Excise Invoice No & Excise Invoice date is not shown in Receipt India Localization window.
Solution: User forgot update the Descriptive Flexfield in Receipt window. Ask to correct(Cancel) the receipt and ask him to enter Receipt Localized(Re-enter Receipt) again. Then the issue is resolved.

Issue: Purchase Order(PO) Status is showing" Pre-Approved".
Solution: The Following SQL Script will change PO Status from 
"Pre-Approved" to "Incomplete".

update po_line_locations_all 
set closed_code='', 
where po_header_id in( )        -------Enter PO Header ID    
and   org_id= ;                   ------- Enter Org ID

update po_lines_all 
set closed_code='', 
where po_header_id in( )        -------Enter PO Header ID  
and   org_id= ;                          ------- Enter Org ID

update po_headers_all 
set closed_code='', 
closed_date='' , 
where po_header_id in()      -------Enter PO Header ID    
and   org_id= ;                 ------- Enter Org ID

Issue: Unable to enter in Requisition Form, You are not setup as an Employee. To access this form you need to be an employee note is shown.

Solution: You need to update the following form for the above error.
1. Human Resources -> People -> Enter and Maintain
Provide all mandatory details in People form.
Select Person Types as Employee and Assign Supervisor and Save it.

Note: Need to Assign this employee to User.2. If you do not have Oracle HRMS add the employee and buyer in Purchasing Super User --> Setup -->employee or buyer from same navigation.
Now, Try to Open the Form and you can enter the Requisition.

Issue:  where receipt Header number was generated but later, the receipt number could not be found in system anywhere from front-end.
Solution: Period was not opened, for that particular warehouse.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Reporting Currency in R12 / Multiple Reporting Currency in 11i

It is used to translate balances from functional currency to foreign currency at transaction level. Here we use Daily rates. There are three levels are there.
Balances level- All the balances will be translated.
Journal Level-All the journal entries will be translated
Sub ledger Level- All the journals from AP, AR will be translated.
Note: In reporting feature we will be having one primary ledger and unlimited reporting ledgers.
Setup Steps:
1. Define “Rounding Difference Tracking A/c” at account segment value.
Assign rounding difference a/c to ledger.
3. Define Exchange rate type
4. Define Exchange rates.
5. Define Reporting currency Setup’s in setup step at ledger level.
6. Define Reporting GL Responsibility.
7. Assign reporting Ledger to Reporting GL Responsibility.
8. Assign Reporting GL Responsibility to User .

9. Open periods in Reporting Currency responsibility.
10. Enter Journal in primary ledger and post it. 
11. Query the journal in Reporting ledger to check the result. 
Diffence between Multiple Reporting Currency in 11i and Reporting Currency in R12.
1. In 11i we can called as “Multiple Reporting Currencies” but in R12 we are calling like “Reporting Currencies”.
2. In 11i we have to define reporting set of books and assign primary set of book to reporting set of books. But In R12 directly we can add reporting currencies to ledger. It is easy process.
3. In 11i we can report upto 8 reporting currencies but where as in r12 we can report en number of currencies.
4. In 11i we have one limitation to do MRC. If the chart of account and calendar should be same to do the MRC. But in R12 if the calendar or chart of account is differ we can do “Reporting currencies” by using Secondary Ledgers.

Let's see how to configure Reporting currency concept in R12
Step: 1 
 Define “Rounding Difference Tracking A/c” at account segment value. 
NavigationSetup--> Financials--> Flex fields--> Key--> ValuesEnter Structure name and Segment, Say “Find”
Enter “Rounding Difference Tracking Account” with Qualifiers as Yes, Yes, Expenses, No, No.

Now, Save it.
Step 2: Assign Rounding Difference Tracking account at Ledger level
Navigation: Setup --> Financials --> Accounting setup manager --> Accounting setupQuery your ledger and click on Update accounting optionsGo to Primary Ledger set up step and say Update
Go to “Ledger Options” tab and click on “Journal processing’ region and Assign “Rounding difference tracking account”.

Click on “Finish” and see for confirmation message.

Step 3: Define exchange rate type
Navigation: Setup --> Currency --> Rate --> types
Click on New and Enter Rate type and Description

Save and close the window.

Step 4: Define daily rates
Navigation: Setup --> Currencies --> Rates --> Daily.
Click on New and fill the details as below

and Click on Enter by date range and fill the same details with Start date and end Date. Save and close the window.

Step 5: Define Reporting currency Setup’s in setup step at ledger
Navigation: Setup --> Financials --> Accounting setup manager --> Accounting setup.
Now, Query your primary ledger --> click on Update accounting options--> In setup step Click on update of “Reporting Currencies”.
Now, Click on “Add reporting currency”
Currency conversion level: Journal
Currency: USD
Enter reporting currency name
Enter short name & Description
Ledger Options:
First ever open period: Jan – 11
Add Rounding Difference tracking account
Currency Translation options:
Choose Default rate type
Retain transaction rate type: Yes
** If yes – Rate type will take from Primary ledger
** If No – It will take above default rate as per primary ledger

Error handling:
Missing conversion rate: Use last rate
Number of days to find the last rate: 5
Journal Conversion Rules:
Retain journal creator from source Ledger: Yes
1. If  Yes – Journals will transfer from Primary to reporting
2. If No – Journals will not transfer

Update Journal Source: Other, Journal Category: other, Convert journals: Yes
Note: If you do not want to transfer all journals, click on “Add another row” to define source and category.
Data Conversion Initialization:First future conversion period – Apr 11
Historical Conversion:
Retain original conversion type: No
Choose historical conversion rate date & type
Say “Apply”
Update reporting currencies:
Now, You can see one more reporting ledger with “Journal” as currency conversion level

Click on Apply button.

Step 6: Define Reporting GL Responsibility.
System administrator Navigation: Security --> Responsibility -->Define.
Click on new and create Reporting GL Responsibility.

Save and close the window.

Step 7: Assign Reporting Ledger to Responsibility.
System Administrator Navigation: Profile --> system.
Select your Responsibility and Profile Option as shown below

Click on Find button, and Enter Reporting Currency in Responsibility field.

Save and close the window.
Step 8: Assign Reporting GL Responsibility to the User.
System Administrator Navigation: Security --> User --> Define.
Query the user name and assign Reporting GL Responsibility to the user.
Save and close the window.

Step 9: Open periods in reporting GL Reponsibility.
Switch to Reporting GL Responsibility.
Navigation: Set up --> open / close.
Open till Current Period.

Close the window.

Step 10: Create Journal in Primary Ledger and post
Switch to Primary Ledger Responsibility.

Navigation: Journal --> Enter
Click  New Journal Button and enter Mandatory Information to test it.

Save and post it.

Step 11: Review Journal in Reporting ledger.
Switch to Reporting Ledger Responsibility.
General ledger Navigation: Journal --> Entry.
Query the query the journal to view it.

Close the Window.

Monday, 22 June 2015


It is used for reporting purpose. It is used to translate actual or budgeted balances from functional currency to foreign currency at account balances level. The difference in translation will be transferred to “Translation adjustment account”. In translation we use period end rate, historical rates and average rates.
Rates Types
Applicable to
Average Rates
Expenses/ Revenues A/c's
Period End Rates
Assets/ Liabities A/c's
Historical Rates
Ownership Equity A/c's


1. Translation should be done in subsidiary companies only. 
2. Translation should be done periodically. 
3. When you are translating a period the first and after period should be open. 
4. Translation can’t be performed for the first period.

Setup Steps:
1. Create “Cumulative Translation Adjustment” A/c at account segment value.
2. Define exchange rate type.
3. Define daily rates.
4. Assign rate type & CTA account to ledger.
5. Run Translation.
6. Run Trial balance Translation report.

Step 1: Define “Cumulative translation adjustment A/c” at account segment value.
Navigation: Setup --> Financials --> Flex fields --> Key --> Values
Query your account Segment

Say New and "Cumulative Translation Adjustment A/c" with Qualifiers as "Yes.Yes.Ownership.No.No"

Step 2: Define Exchange rate type.
Navigation: Setup --> Currencies --> Rate --> Types
Click on new to enter new rate type and Description for it.

Step 3: Define Exchange Rate.
Navigation: Setup --> Currencies --> Rate --> Daily

Click on "Enter by date Range" and give chose currency, conversion from date and to date.

Step 4: Complete Translation options at ledger level.
Navigation: Setup --> Financials --> Accounting setup manager --> Accounting setup
Query you Ledger

Click on Update Accounting Options.

Go to Primary Ledger Region and click on Update and Go to Ledger Options Tab, and fill the Currency translation Options region.

Say Finish and confirmation message will Pop Up and close it. 

Step 5: Run Translation
Navigation: Currency --> Translation.
Select Usage, Target Currency and Period.
Click on Translate
Note: Enter the Target Currency to which you want to translate. You can choose any enabled currency other than your functional currency.

Click on Translate Button after give mandatory information.

Click on View --> Request 
Ensure Translation Request completed normal.

Step 6: Run “Trail balance: Translation” program.
Navigation: View --> Request --> Submit a new request -->single request.

Click on View --> Request 
Ensure Translation Request completed normal.

Now click view Ouput, to check the data in target currency

Saturday, 20 June 2015


Budget concept is used for planning and controlling purpose. We can define budget up to maximum 60 periods. They are two types of budget. 
Planning Budget: In this planning budget we just plan the expenditures but there will not be any control over it. It's is prepared for comparing the actual with budget figures to know the variance.
Funding Budget: In this funding budget we can plan the expenditure or Revenue and also we can keep the control on budget journal amount. Here, we required to create budget journal for defining budget amount. It will control the actual transaction by using fund check methods(None, absolute, Advisory).

Budget Journal
Budget periods: There are three types of periods.      
                 1. Open 
                 2. Current 
                 3. Freeze (Close) 
First period in the organization is with current Status when define the budget next time you will get only Open Status. Freeze Status means closing of the budget.

Fund Check levels: There are three types for fund check level. 
        None - It is for planning budget 
        Absolute - We can’t enter amount beyond the budget amount. 
        Advisory – It will pop up a warning message when we enter amount beyond budget amount. 
Setup Steps:
1. Create Reserve for encumbrance account and expenses accounts in account segment values
2. Enable budgetary control at Ledger
3. Define Budget
4. Define Budget organization
5. Create Budget Journals
6. Query the budget journals and post
7. Create journal entry using budget account and test it.

Let us see, how to configure setup steps for funding budget
Step 1:  
Define Reserve for encumbrance (Ownership) A/c at  account segment level. 

Step 2: Enable Budget control at ledger Level.
Navigation: Setup --> Financial --> Accounting Setup Manager
--> Accounting Setup.
Query your ledger and click on Update accounting options

Go to primary ledger region and click on Update

Now go to Advance Option window and fill budgetary control regions details like
       Enable Budgetary Control
       Enable Budget Journal
       Enter Account code combination for Reserve for encumbrance.

Now, click on Finish and check for the Confirmation note.

Step 3: Define Budget.
Navigation: Budget --> Define --> Budget. 
Enter Budget name and description
Choose your Ledger
Status: Current
Enable check box “Require budget Journals”
Choose Budget periods: First and Last
Click on “Open Next Year”

click on "Yes"
Say "OK"

Go to View -->  Request and  ensure request completed normal

Note: Now, Query the Budget and you can see last open year field is updated.
Step 4: Define Budget organization. 
             Using these Budget organization form we can define name of the budget and descriptions and choose the display sequence and Set password (Optional) and also used to mention accounts which are using for budget planning and Budget control options.
Navigation: Budget --> Define --> Organisation.
Name your Budget Organization & Description
Choose ledger
Select Ordering segment
Choose Display Sequence
Enter Effective dates

Click on "Ranges" button

Enter Line: 1
Choose Accounts for Low and High
Type: Entered
Currency: INR
Now Status is adding

Click on “Range Assignments” and Choose Accounts individually

Close this window & Click on “Budgetary Control” button

Save and close this window
Go to View --> Request and Ensure program completed normal

Step 5: Create Budget Journal. 
Navigation: Budget --> Define --> Journal. 
Choose “Budget organization” 
Choose “Accounting periods”
Go to “Work sheet mode”
Choose Accounts period from and to
Select one by one account

Click on “Budget Rules” button and choose rule and amount.

Say "Apply".
Note: You have do the same for all accounts

Now click on "Create Journal" button
Enter Journal Batch name
Choose Category: Expenditures
Funds status: Required

Click on “Check Funds”

Click on “Reserve Funds”

Step 6: Query the Unposted budget journals and post
Navigation: Journals --> Enter.
Choose Status Posting as " Unposted" and click on find button

See the unposted budget journal. 

Review Journal
You can see:
Journal name: CJE
Balance type: Budget
Only debit lines created in journal entry 

Now, Post all unposted budget journals
Post the Journal entry
Go to View --> Request
Ensure Journal posting program completed normal

Now, Let's test the budget concept by entering more than Planned amount.

Step 7: Create Journal entry using budget account
Navigation: Journals --> Enter
Say “new Journal”
Category: Expenditures

Click on "Check funds"

System displayed a note message stating that this transaction failed fund check. It means we can't post this journal. We need to enter amount less than the budget/Planned amount.

Note: To Check the funds availability Navigate to  Inquiry --> Funds window.