Step 1:You will need to run:
select * from PO_Requisitions_interface_all
and see what the transaction_id is
Then run
update po_requisitions_interface_all
set request_id = null
, process_flag = null
where transaction_id = (from above)
Then rerun the Requisition Import.
Step 2:Please run Run "Requisition Import Exceptions Report" & choose yes in delete exceptions in parameter.
select * from PO_Requisitions_interface_all
and see what the transaction_id is
Then run
update po_requisitions_interface_all
set request_id = null
, process_flag = null
where transaction_id = (from above)
Then rerun the Requisition Import.
Step 2:Please run Run "Requisition Import Exceptions Report" & choose yes in delete exceptions in parameter.