Showing posts with label FA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FA. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Fixed Asset Modules Issues & Solution in Oracle Apps

Issue: How To Reverse An Amortized Adjustment.
Solutions: You can change the amortization by below steps:
1. Go to asset workbench
2. Query asset number
3. Change the cost and increase the cost by 0.01 and change the amortization date to the same of Date Placed in Service, then save.
4. Decrease the cost by 0.01 and change the amortization date to the same of Date Placed in Service, then save.

Issue: While Running Depreciation in Fixed asset Module, Depreciation Run Program Ends in Error

Check view log output for Depreciation Run Program

Solution: If the calendar period are not opened/or not created then the system will through an error message will running depreciation program. So, You need to open/create Fiscal Calendar, Depreciation Calendar and Prorate Calendar and re-run depreciation program and check the output.