Illustration- 1 : User is unable to Void the payment.
Solution: You cannot void payment on a payment document that pays a prepayment that you have applied. You must first unapply prepayment, and then Account the Prepayment Unapplied Event on Standard Invoice.
Solution: You cannot void payment on a payment document that pays a prepayment that you have applied. You must first unapply prepayment, and then Account the Prepayment Unapplied Event on Standard Invoice.
Illustration -2: Unable to release the system generated hold.
Step 1: Disable the trigger ja_in_ap_aida_before_trg
ALTER TRIGGER ja_in_ap_aida_before_trg DISABLE;
Step 2: Release the hold.
ALTER TRIGGER ja_in_ap_aida_before_trg DISABLE;
Step 2: Release the hold.
Step 3: Cancel the Invoice
Step 4: Enable the trigger again
ALTER TRIGGER ja_in_ap_aida_before_trg ENABLE;
Illustration-3: User is unable to Void the payment.
The payments are made against the invoices in the payment window.
Invoice No's
1) MDPL/RENT/12-13/010
2) MDPL/RENT/12-13/011
3) MDPL/RENT/13-14/001.
These payment status should be "Cleared" but the payment status is showing as "Reconciled".
ALTER TRIGGER ja_in_ap_aida_before_trg ENABLE;
Illustration-3: User is unable to Void the payment.
The payments are made against the invoices in the payment window.
Invoice No's
1) MDPL/RENT/12-13/010
2) MDPL/RENT/12-13/011
3) MDPL/RENT/13-14/001.
These payment status should be "Cleared" but the payment status is showing as "Reconciled".
Now I want to void the payment but can not do so.
The void option is disabled and we are not using the cash management for reconciliation.
Solution: Received the patch from oracle support.
Issue: APP-SQLAP-10000: ORA-20010: Error while validating TDS AP Invoice.
Solution: The above is shown when wrong TDS code is attached to distribution line, In such case reverse the wrong tds attached distribution line and Update a new line with correct TDS tax code and validate and apply prepayment.
Illustration: Query which is used to change the PO status from "Pre- Approved" to "Incomplete"
Module: Purchasing
update po_line_locations_all
set closed_code='',
where po_header_id in(335398) ---Update PO header Id
and org_id= 595; ---- Update Org ID
update po_lines_all
set closed_code='',
where po_header_id in(335398)
and org_id= 595;
update po_headers_all
set closed_code='',
closed_date='' ,
where po_header_id in(335398,335370)
and org_id= 595;
Select * from PO.PO_headers_All where Segment1='4709' and org_id=''
The void option is disabled and we are not using the cash management for reconciliation.
Solution: Received the patch from oracle support.
Issue: APP-SQLAP-10000: ORA-20010: Error while validating TDS AP Invoice.
Solution: The above is shown when wrong TDS code is attached to distribution line, In such case reverse the wrong tds attached distribution line and Update a new line with correct TDS tax code and validate and apply prepayment.
Illustration: Query which is used to change the PO status from "Pre- Approved" to "Incomplete"
Module: Purchasing
update po_line_locations_all
set closed_code='',
where po_header_id in(335398) ---Update PO header Id
and org_id= 595; ---- Update Org ID
update po_lines_all
set closed_code='',
where po_header_id in(335398)
and org_id= 595;
update po_headers_all
set closed_code='',
closed_date='' ,
where po_header_id in(335398,335370)
and org_id= 595;
Select * from PO.PO_headers_All where Segment1='4709' and org_id=''
Thnx for posting issues it really helped me alot. Can u plz post some issues related to reconciliation between GL and subledger modules...
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