Thursday, 25 June 2015

Purchasing Module Issues & Solutions in Oracle Apps

Issue:  While try to approve the Purchase Order(PO). Error: Line # 1 Shipment # 1 Distribution # 1 Distribution is missing foreign Currency rate.

Solution: Query the Purchase Order--> Click on shipments button--> Click on distribution Button --> Click on More Tab

Now update Rate date and Rate and save it and try to approve it. 

Issue: Excise Invoice No & Excise Invoice date is not shown in Receipt India Localization window.
Solution: User forgot update the Descriptive Flexfield in Receipt window. Ask to correct(Cancel) the receipt and ask him to enter Receipt Localized(Re-enter Receipt) again. Then the issue is resolved.

Issue: Purchase Order(PO) Status is showing" Pre-Approved".
Solution: The Following SQL Script will change PO Status from 
"Pre-Approved" to "Incomplete".

update po_line_locations_all 
set closed_code='', 
where po_header_id in( )        -------Enter PO Header ID    
and   org_id= ;                   ------- Enter Org ID

update po_lines_all 
set closed_code='', 
where po_header_id in( )        -------Enter PO Header ID  
and   org_id= ;                          ------- Enter Org ID

update po_headers_all 
set closed_code='', 
closed_date='' , 
where po_header_id in()      -------Enter PO Header ID    
and   org_id= ;                 ------- Enter Org ID

Issue: Unable to enter in Requisition Form, You are not setup as an Employee. To access this form you need to be an employee note is shown.

Solution: You need to update the following form for the above error.
1. Human Resources -> People -> Enter and Maintain
Provide all mandatory details in People form.
Select Person Types as Employee and Assign Supervisor and Save it.

Note: Need to Assign this employee to User.2. If you do not have Oracle HRMS add the employee and buyer in Purchasing Super User --> Setup -->employee or buyer from same navigation.
Now, Try to Open the Form and you can enter the Requisition.

Issue:  where receipt Header number was generated but later, the receipt number could not be found in system anywhere from front-end.
Solution: Period was not opened, for that particular warehouse.


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  3. "Thanks for compiling these common Purchasing Module issues and their solutions! The step-by-step instructions, especially for resolving PO status and missing currency rates, are incredibly practical and easy to follow. Great resource for PhozellPay users!"
