If customer want to withhold the tax amount charged by supplier in the invoice, and customer want to pay the tax amount directly to tax authorities instead of paying to supplier. For that System automatically create a withholding tax invoice. In this case tax authority would be a supplier.
Setup Steps:
Step: 1 Enable WHT at payable optionsStep: 2 Define WHT special calendars
Step: 3 Define Supplier as tax authority
Step: 4 Create WHT code and group
Step: 5 Assign WHT group at payables options
Step: 6 Enable WHT at supplier header and site level and assign WHT Group
Step: 7 Create Standard invoice
Step: 8 Query WHT invoice for cross verification purpose.
Accounting Entries:
When WHT applied to Standard invoice
Expenses A/c ................................Dr
To Liability A/c .........................Cr
To Withholding Tax A/c ..............Cr
For Withholding Tax Invoice ( Auto Generated)
WHT Expenses A/c ....................Dr
To WHT Payaables/Liability A/c................Cr
Setup Steps:
Step: 1 Enable WHT at payable optionsStep: 2 Define WHT special calendars
Step: 3 Define Supplier as tax authority
Step: 4 Create WHT code and group
Step: 5 Assign WHT group at payables options
Step: 6 Enable WHT at supplier header and site level and assign WHT Group
Step: 7 Create Standard invoice
Step: 8 Query WHT invoice for cross verification purpose.
Accounting Entries:
When WHT applied to Standard invoice
Expenses A/c ................................Dr
To Liability A/c .........................Cr
To Withholding Tax A/c ..............Cr
For Withholding Tax Invoice ( Auto Generated)
WHT Expenses A/c ....................Dr
To WHT Payaables/Liability A/c................Cr